Fearlessly Different

Rethinking Higher Education | Jonathan Brush & Unbound - Part 2

Season 2 Episode 47

Joining us today on the podcast is Mr. Jonathan Brush, the president and CEO of Unbound, a college alternative program focused on project-based education and helping young adults thrive in this changing world.
This is the second part of the interview! Today we discuss the different programs Unbound offers, the community they help build for their students, and different projects students have implemented over the years. We end the conversation with Mr. Brush sharing his best advice for families navigating the post high school world and making decisions about what to do next!

Resources Mentioned:
Unbound | Training Young Adults to Thrive
The Be Unbound Podcast
Follow Unbound on Social Media: Instagram

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  • Email questions to fearlesslydifferent.pod@gmail.com
  • Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

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